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In-Home Services

In New York City

Comprehensive and Convenient

Kathleen has partnered with Anywhere Audiology to deliver in-home hearing healthcare to residents of New York City.

Services include: 

  • Complete diagnostic hearing tests through a calibrated, portable audiometer 

  • Hearing aid evaluations and fittings

  • Hearing aid checks and reprogramming

  • Custom hearing protection  

  • Home and family communication consultations

  • Hearing aid repairs

  • Auditory training

  • Counseling

By seeing you in your own space, we can assure you are hearing your best where it really matters, not in a quiet doctor's office.


Diagnostic Hearing Tests

With fully mobile, calibrated instrumentation, you can get your hearing tested in the comfort of your own home, without a soundproof booth. Testing will include a case history, examination of the ear canal and ear drum, measurements of hearing to both tones and words, and a full review of all findings.

Hearing Aids

Services include hearing aid evaluations to review all of your options for your specific hearing and communication needs; fittings for new hearing aids; reprogramming of current hearing aids; and repairs and troubleshooting of malfunctioning hearing aids.

Auditory Training

For some people, hearing aids are not enough. Auditory Training is an evidence-based program that strengthens your brain's ability to make sense of what it is hearing. It is recommended that a minimum of 8 sessions are performed for best outcomes.


One of the best parts of home visits is the ability to incorporate important people in your life, be it family or friends. It can be very helpful to have the people you most often communicate with in the appointment, as it allows for a better understanding of your hearing loss, realistic expectations, and best ways to support you.

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